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$Dear$ $Friends,$ In this blog you will find around 320 solved Geophysics GATE and CSIR-NET and other competitive exams solutions with a better explanation. Please follow and share if you like it. $Thanks,$ $gpsurya$ and $group$

GATE-2008 (37)



37. The dip slip of fault is 200m and the dip amount is 30°. The throw of the fault (m) is.

(A) 300               (B) 200                    (C) 100               (D) 5


Dip slip of a fault = 200m

Dip = 30°

sinθ= Throw/ slip -----------------(1)

Throw = sin30° * 200

            = 200/ 2 (sin30°= 1/2)

Therefore Throw= 100 m.

Fault Motion Terms:

1. Throw
The vertical amount of fault motion; the elevation difference between two points offset by the fault. 
2. Heave
The horizontal amount of fault motion perpendicular to the strike of the fault. 
3. Strike Slip
The horizontal amount of fault motion parallel to the strike of the fault. 
4. Dip Slip
The amount of fault motion in the dip direction of the fault plane;

(Dip slip)2 = (heave)2 + (Throw)2
5. Net Slip
The total amount of fault motion:
(Net slip)2 = (Strike slip)2 + (Dip slip)2

Reference : 

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  1. excellent diagram for explaining all terms in single pic

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