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45. Two planets A and B orbit around their Sun, B being four times farther away than A from their Sun. Then the length of the year on B, compared to that A, would be

1) The same

2) Twice

3) Four times

4) Eight times


From Kepler’s third law,

$T^2 =\frac{4\pi^2}{GM} a^3$

T-Planet's Period

a-semi major axis of the orbit

M- mass

G-Universal gravitational constant

$T_A^2 =\frac{4\pi^2}{GM} a_A^3$ ---(1)

$T_B^2 =\frac{4\pi^2}{GM} a_B^3$ ---(2)

Divide eq(2) by eq(1)

$\frac{T_B^2}{T_A^2} =\frac{a_B^3}{ a_A^3}$

$\frac{T_B^2}{T_A^2} =\frac{(4X)^3}{(X)^3}$

$\frac{T_B^2}{T_A^2} =\frac{64X^3}{X^3}$

$\frac{T_B^2}{T_A^2} =64$

$\frac{T_B^2}{T_A^2} =64$

${T_B^2} =64{T_A^2}$

${T_B} =8{T_A}$

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